Saturday, June 12, 2010

Traffic Jam

As my heart pounds to the sound of the clock ticking
My feelings got a little anxious
I wanna be on time when we're going to ANY weddings - any weddings that we can attend
Cause I don't want anyone came late to my wedding
It's a one day only experience (unless you're a celebrity -- no offense)
So here I am, with my iPod [ON] and my Phone (on an 18% life) stuck in a traffic jam.
Oh, the best part is : IT'S RAINING!

What more can a girl ask for?

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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Donor Darah

Hari ini aku memutuskan untuk ngajak Ibu dan Ayah ikut donor darah. Akhirnya Ayah aja yang ikutan. And now, I'm a little bit dizzy, and want to sleep some more. Ya, tadi udah tidur dan baru kebangun jam setengah sepuluh.

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