Sunday, October 26, 2008

This is when I...

This is when I hate people whose in love..
I know you want the world only for both of you
but you do have to be concerned of your social life
i'm sorry i have to post this,but i guess this goes for me too..

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

too much momentum

I've listened to the latest Against me! feat Tegan's song... ANd it blew me and ayu away..
There's a line that goes like this :
"no, it's not what we meant to say... We don't really love each other.."
"before you speak think about what you're trying to say.. Who else is there to blame for miscommunications.. you're getting caught up in the excitement.. you're making promises you can't keep.. you need to leave all your options open.. i hope you'll understand.."
"We took some pills to calm us down. Then we needed help to come back up. Just trying to stay in control of the situation."

thanks for bringing us down..

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A friend in need is a friend indeed

i have all of the friends i want..
bestfriends, the ones who always there when i want a logic kind of view or perspective
a friend who make me jealous of their life, for the grass is much greener on the other side..
a friend who stabbed me in the back, but i respect them, cause i know, i make them jealous.. :)
a friend who make me laugh my ass off...
a friend who just there, sitting together, doing our own things, just because..
a friend who i called family
a friend who made me cry
a friend that annoys me a lot, and i miss that times when i wasn't with them..
a friend who kicked me in the ass, when i didn't have faults... they just doing it for fun.. :D
a friend that make me blushed in red, when they're doing something nice to me
a friend that makes me angry cause they have crossed the line..
a friend that respect or turned their head away when i gave my opinion to their stories..
a friend that turned their back away from me, so i can evaluate myself

i love you, that's what i want to say.. i love you for everything, and thank God i know you for who you are.. and last but not least, for who i am inside...

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A little story

Assalamualaikum!selamat hari lebaran dan kembali fitri!
Subuh2 masang alarm,kebangun uTk matiin dOang. Ya,matiin,bukan snooze..bego.. Jadinya mandi bru jam stgh7,kelar2 rumah ud kosong..dengdong..parah..
Anyway,kalo lagi ngumpul sama keluarga besar gini,aku jadi inget ama reuninya keluarga eyang aku.. Yang diundang adalah ayahku dan adek2nya. Keluarga besar gt,sodara2nya eyangputri. Aku inget mejaku ada di belakang meja sodara jauhku,yang aku lupa namanya. Maaf,karena dlu aku inget, kamu masih bayi dan nama bukan suatu hal yang penting~ngeles banget yak. Sebut saja namanya kumbang(kalo mawar,jadi cewe,dong). Dari awal aku du2k,tingkahnya adaaa aja,tapi diem,diem..senyum sana senyum sini. Bukan senyumin orang. Awalnya kupikir ini anak murah senyum. Pakaiannya terlalu kekanakan uTk cowo berumur 15-16 thn; atau memang badannya aja yang besar, padahal masih bocah.. Well anyway..salah satu anaknya adek ayahku, yang daritadi diem, merhatiin tingkah laku keributan,ternyata memperhatikan si kumbang ini juga. Ketika si Kumbang lari ke sana kemari nutupin spotlight stage, sodaraku itu langsung nyeletuk,'knapa sih ni orang?!autis apa??!' bernada kesal..
Let me tell you sumthin about this Kumbang. Dia memang AuTis, segala cara ud dilakuin uTk nyembuhin autisnya. Makanya,ketika sodara aku blg gt, aku tersentak,merasa dia udah ngejek SODARANYA sendiri.. Langsung aja aku tegur,'ky,dia memang autis'. Setelah dia dgr aku blg gt,mukanya langsung merasa bersalah.. Setelah itu, kalo aku ketemu sodara aku yg kiky itu lagi,ngomongnya gak pernah sembarangan.. Baguslah,ada hikmahnya :)

so,for all of you,including me, kalo bCr jangan sompral,sembarangan.. Karena bs jd dgn becanda2annya kita, ada orang yg bisa tersinggung..

Once again, mohon maaf lahir dan bathin.. Selamat idul fitri 1 Syawal 1429 H..

PS : akhirnya bo,aku bs cerita DENGAN hikmah di dalamnya ;P
dan ini ngetiknya pake hape loh :D