Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A friend in need is a friend indeed

i have all of the friends i want..
bestfriends, the ones who always there when i want a logic kind of view or perspective
a friend who make me jealous of their life, for the grass is much greener on the other side..
a friend who stabbed me in the back, but i respect them, cause i know, i make them jealous.. :)
a friend who make me laugh my ass off...
a friend who just there, sitting together, doing our own things, just because..
a friend who i called family
a friend who made me cry
a friend that annoys me a lot, and i miss that times when i wasn't with them..
a friend who kicked me in the ass, when i didn't have faults... they just doing it for fun.. :D
a friend that make me blushed in red, when they're doing something nice to me
a friend that makes me angry cause they have crossed the line..
a friend that respect or turned their head away when i gave my opinion to their stories..
a friend that turned their back away from me, so i can evaluate myself

i love you, that's what i want to say.. i love you for everything, and thank God i know you for who you are.. and last but not least, for who i am inside...


hengki said...


postingan yang sangat menarik.. ya memang begitulah seandainya 'mampu' melihat dari banyak sisi.. semua terasa indah..

meski tak selalu sempurna,
hidup itu indah begini adanya.. [dee]

Anonymous said...

bloody right ! -tq-