Monday, February 1, 2010

Be open minded and stop being a snake! :D

"Do you know how it feels to be bit in the neck by the snakes that kills?
Do you like how it feels to be stab in the back and watch the blood spills??" - Papa Roach "snake"

It's okay to think you're wrong
It's okay to feel guilty
All you gotta do is fix things up

That's what I've been thinking..
You know that feelings, when you're talking behind someone's back, but then again you're his or her significant others? Or maybe your own best friends? All you gotta do is just stand in front of them and tell them your cold hard truth opinions..
Yeah well maybe they will burst into fire for a little while, or made them cry-a-river, but if they are your true love or your true friends, they will bounce back and will tell their own opinion to you.. And then you'll have a real conversation..

It's all about opening your mind, share things, whether you're wrong or right. Live is about learning things, try to understand people around you.. Right? Especially your significant other or your own bestfriends.

Hum.. Tulisan ini udah oke belum? Aku pengen nyampein perasaan aku aja.. Tiba2 ngerasa gak enak.. Mungkin udah saatnya kita semua mikirin ini.. Karena kita cewe dan sering bergosip.. Ya gak eceu? Hehe..


Anonymous said...


semangat tara..
iyah, adanya kita bisa menjadi bermanfaat ketika kita bisa menjadi "penonton di luar sistem" yang bisa melihat dengan objektif inti masalahnya.. dan kemudian kita ajak teman-teman sekeliling kita untuk lebih "positif"..


Unknown said...

kita doyan bergosip hahahha..
dan mulai mengurangi ngomong yg g enak, yg jelek2...
kita ngomongin yg bagus2 aja gmn?!
