Monday, January 28, 2008

Another Vacation, Another Story

Liburan selesai..tampak beratku tambah naik..
apa yang udah aku beli kemaren??
BUKU! aku seperti biasa, kalo ke jakarta, wajib ke KINOKUNIYA..
for those who didn't know, jangan sok tau bilang kalo kinokuniya = restoran jepang..
Anyway, hari ini pak harto did it go?gak tau..
aku dalam perjalanan ke bandung..
Oh, mengenai BUKU! jadi, aku beli buku "The Complete Tales and Poems of EDGAR ALLAN POE"
aku puas ngebacanya, banyak sih kata2 jadul inggris yang aku gak ngerti
tapi kalo aku ngerti kata2nya, ngapain punya dictionary..
untuk awal baca cerpennya, kan bentuknya cerpen, males banget
banyak ebleblenya
tapi ternyata bagus banget..
tengah2 jadi lebih tertarik untuk membalikkan halaman..
salah satu puisi yang aku sukak juga ada..
yang pertama kali aku baca..


It was many and many a year ago,
In a kingdom by the sea
That a maiden there lived whom you may know
By the name of ANNABEL LEE;
And this maiden she lived with no other thought
Than to love and be loved by me.

I was a child and she was a child,
In this kingdom by the sea.
But we loved with a love that was more than love —
With a love that the wingëd seraphs of heaven
Coveted her and me.

And this was the reason that, long ago,
In this kingdom by the sea,
A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling
My beautiful ANNABEL LEE;
So that her highborn kinsmen came
And bore her away from me,
To shut her up in a sepulchre
In this kingdom by the sea.

The angels, not half so happy in heaven,
Went envying her and me —
Yes! — that was the reason (as all men know,
In this kingdom by the sea)
That the wind came out of the cloud by night,
Chilling and killing my ANNABEL LEE.

But our love it was stronger by far than the love
Of those who were older than we —
Of many far wiser than we —
And neither the angels in heaven above,
Nor the demons down under the sea,
Can ever dissever my soul from the soul
Of the beautiful ANNABEL LEE:

For the moon never beams, without bringing me dreams
Of the beautiful ANNABEL LEE;
And the stars never rise but I feel the bright eyes
Of the beautiful ANNABEL LEE,
And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side
Of my darling — my darling — my life and my bride,
In her sepulchre there by the sea —
In her tomb by the sounding sea.

Monday, January 14, 2008

hari ini..

Hehe,,rencananya bangun pagi jam 3...hehe,,gak taunya jam 5an baru melek, jam 6an baru bener2 bangun..hehe
Karena sambil bermalas2an, aku berjanji dalam hati, 'tunggu bentaaaaaaaaaaar, lagi..aku masih mau ngeringkel di selimut..'
gak taunya kebablasan dan baru bener bener bener bener berdiri dan bangun jam setengah 8. Ke depan komputer, ngidupin, dan ngebuka file problem set mekanika. Baca, ngerjain, males.. Aku ngeliat jam, jam 8. Ngambil anduk, kekamar mandi, dan melakukan ritual pagi yang biasanya tak kulakukan.. biasanya sih nge-dumping nya malem hari.. hari ini aneh, pagi2 aja gitu..
Setelah enak mengeluarkan semua angin dan buangan itu, aku idupun semprotan air untuk membersihkan kotoran.. halah,, jorok amat sih .. :P
dan sodara2.. Airnya pertama kecil, aku pikir, 'ha, tumben kecil..' dan tiba2 mati. Aku kaget!!! Itu aku belum 'menyikat' (pilihan kata2nya menjijikkan ya.. :D )..yah, belum cebok! tu, ha! :)) Udah gitu, aku punya ide brilian!! Aku ambil ember yang ada di kamar mandi, gak jauh dari tempat nongkrong.. dan ngisi pake keran mandi, bukan semprotan cebok. Aku paksain untuk dapet debit air yang maksimal (apa lagi ini!).. Eh eh, dapet airnya cuma dikit dong.. aku langsung bilang dalam hati, optimis nih ceritanya,,'cukup airnya untuk ngebersihin, kok..'
aku kan orangnya jijay an gitu, jadi harus bersih! dibersihin, udah gitu, airnya tinggal dikit.. 'cukuplah buat nyuci tangan..'

oke, selesai pekerjaan di dalam kamar mandi, aku keluar..aku perhatiin handuk yang digantung di dalam kamar mandi,'gebleg kan! aku belum cuci muka dan gosok gigi!!'

bagi temen2ku yang bertemu saya hari ini, aku gak bau kan? hehe,,aku pake parfum sehari2, jadi baunya pasti sama2 aja..dan masalah bau ketek? sebelum pake deodoran, aku 'seka-an' pake tisu basah, kok..
dan bagi mereka yang tidak bertemu denganku hari ini, sayang sekali! kesempatan anda melihatku ke kampus tanpa mandi tidak bertambah! hehe, emang ada yang
dateng ke kampus, panas, dan ujian di bsc a, lantai empat, gak ada lift.. bagoooooooooooos!! hehe,, untung gak bau badan! hehe,, pas ujian, aku gak bisa..
selamat, selamat..selamat...

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Motion City Soundtrack - This is For real

I've got emotion
Dripping out my pores and I
Thought I would let you know
You are the night light,
Ripping through my wicked world
How you make it sparkle and glow,
Before I lose control
There's just one thing you should know

This is for real, this time I mean it
I'm coming clean, please don't let go
I said from the start, that you could take it or leave it
I'd prefer that you keep it
Don't let go
Don't let go
Don't let go

I had some nightmares,
Clawing at my skin and bones
I nearly did explode
You smoked the demons
Gave me back my feelings
Now I am good to go
Before, my face hits the floor
There's just one thing you should know

This is for real, this time I mean it
I'm coming clean, please don't let go
I said from the start, that you could take it or leave it
I'd prefer that you keep it
Don't let go

This is the best thing that I've ever had for real
This is the best thing that I've ever had for real

For a physical challenge I'm notoriously bored
Intravenous delivery, electrolytes and more
Everytime it's the same routine
Out with the bad, in with the clean
Before I lose all motor skills
There's one thing you should know

This is for real, this time I mean it
I'm coming clean, please don't let go
I said from the start, that you could take it or leave it
I'd prefer that you keep it
Don't let go

This is the best thing that I've ever had for real
This is the best thing that I've ever had for real

This is the best thing that I've ever had for real
This is the best thing that I've ever had for real

well, need i say more?

Friday, January 11, 2008

i feel good :)

you know, he knows..
and that's good..
I'm glad you understand and know the situation
I'm glad, that's all
so i can tell you what have happened
I'm glad
i finally can tell you what I've been through

what do you think?

is it wrong if that video reminds me of you?
is it wrong if every little lousy even the funniest things you've done always there inside my head?
you seem so far away, even you lived only a block away from where i am
you're my best friend
you used to be there when i felt alone
needed someone to talk to
gave me answers for my uncountable questions
now, can i tell you that i need you?
need you to make me feel better from what i've been feeling for this week?
where's my bestfriend who picked me up when i fell down?
where are you?

i really miss talking to you, sms you, even give you IMs,,,
where those fogs brought you to?

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Billy talent taught me something

Billy talent adalah sebuah band yang bagi aku, waktu pertama kali denger, aku langsung sukak, karena suaranya unik.. hehe,,

Pada suatu malam ketika aku bingung ama pemodelan, aku udah males ngerjain dan gave up. Aku beralih ke video klip yang baru aku donlot. Yang satu judulnya surrender ama river below. Aku kan sangat menunggu Surrender, pas dimainkan.. itu video gak banget!!!!!! It's Fuckin BF, dudes!!! Shit,,
Sesaat waktu aku ngeliat detik pertama ada cewe Ng***k**g, aku langsung stop > Delete file > empty recycle bin... aku gak mau ngeliat gituan, apapun itu,,, jiajay abis!
mungkin beberapa dari temen aku akan melakukan langkah begini : save file > ambil anduk atau apapun lah untuk bersih2 > tutup gorden kamar > lanjutkan nonton...


udah gitu, aku ngeliatlah yang river below.. Well,, awalnya aku sih biasa aja, aku sukak banget lagu itu, hafal lirik tapi gak tau apa isinya..lama2 aku penasaran, apa hubungan nama yang disebut di depan video klip dengan lagu nya..
aku cek liriknya*... ada beberapa kalimat yang buat aku penasaran dengan nama J. Robert Oppenheimer.. seperti biasa aku cek di google** dan menemukan siapa beliau.. dia juga mengucapkan kata2 "I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds",,well well,, he is "the father of the atomic bomb"*** Jadi, bom atom yang dipake untuk mengalahkan Jepang dengan ngebom hiroshima dan nagasaki adalah hasil 'kreasi' si J. Robert Oppenheimer ini.. gitu loh..

di lirik billy talent, dan di artikel dalam google itu kalian dapat menemukan dan dapat ngebaca ada masalah dan kehidupan apa dengan J. robert Oppenheimer tersebut.. Aku belajar sejarah deh..hehehe..sekalian fisika..

thanks billy talent..

you can click to see which pages i talked about..
*lirik billy talent
**siapa J. RObert Oppenheimer, dalam wikipedia, hasil search di google
***tentang bom atom :D

"I'm sick and I'm twisted
I'm broken you can't fix it
Don't make me, cause I'll do it
Red button and we'll all go"

Sunday, January 6, 2008

here to make it more..implicit..

please check this out..
it's a myspace movie on youtube

it's so fuckn funny!!!! i laugh my ass off!!!!!
and fuck those want-to-know-anything girl on 06:52..

"Give me your password.."
"you're such a psycho sometimes.."


Thursday, January 3, 2008

Letter to God

Aku pengen banget kalo ntar aku nikah dan punya anak, ibu dan ayah aku ada di sana..
Kalo anak aku masuk tk, mereka membimbing aku dalam membesarkan anak..
Dan ketika anak2 aku lulus sarjana, mereka ada di sana juga..
aku mau mereka diberikan kesehatan sehingga bisa ada di saat aku membutuhkan mereka..
Aku ingin Engkau memberi perlindungan kepada mereka..
Karena sejujurnya, aku sangat berterima kasih karena mereka sudah mendidikku sampai menjadi seperti ini..
Aku bisa tau gimana cara aku harus menempatkan diri di rumah orang..
Itu udah aku lakuin dari dulu, waktu aku kecil
dan aku merasa aku gak pernah dibentak untuk menuruti mereka
aku pengen anak aku nantinya juga gitu..
Aku pengen mereka membimbing aku dalam membesarkan anak aku..
jadi aku bukan jenis orang tua yang gak peduli dengan mau jadi apa anak aku nantinya..
percaya atau gak, ini memang surat untukMu,
aku pernah menangis ketika mengucapkannya bila Kau ingat saat itu..
Aku akan sangat berterima kasih kalo Engkau mengabulkannya..

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Edward Scissorhand = gak buat pemodelan :<

Jadi tugas aku hari ini adalah buat pemodelan, seharusnya kemaren, tapi karena ketemu ama temen, gak jadi deh ngelanjutin baca pemodelan (dan rencana buat programnya).
Aku kira akan pergi kemana gitu, gak taunye ke PVJ,, My friend love to take pictures of her friends and herself. Jadi, kita ke tempat foto bareng..halah, aku lupa..apa istilahnya..tunggu..
PHOTOBOX!..haha,, parah..
jadi aku mau minta maaf buat uwi, temen sepemodelan ama aku, aku akan buat programnya hari ini.,.
Dan pagi tadi juga, aku nonton Edward Scissorhand!HWeleh,,jangan marah dulu, wi..aahahhaa,,aku akn mengerjakan kok..engkau jangan bersedih..
Jadi, aku nonton edward Scissorhand, and actually cried.. I truly love tim burton's art so much, aku jadi inget aku ngisi personality testnya di face book, which tim burton's movie character are you, jawaban buat aku adalah Edward Scissorhand..Setelah aku liat lagi filmnya, aku liat ternyata dia sukak poetry,, just like me..hwahahaha..
jadi memang bener deh jawabannya..hwahahahaha..
udah ah, jadi gak enak narsis gini..hehehe

sekarang, end of my report, aku akan menunjukkan foto aku, nana, firly, dan gilang.. enjoy.. :D

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Another letter

If i can send you this other letter, the one that i cannot tell when you're there (in front of me)
I know what i did back then was a mistake
but, i didn't and won't feel sorry about it, cause I've learned to be somebody else
I've placed myself to be one of the bastards that i call for
I understand if you don't want me back
cause if i were you, I will do the same thing too
So don't you hung me up and let me be on this gray area of your decision
Please be quick so I can either be gloomy or bloomy and fix it already

New Year's resolution for us :)

"New Years means New resolution, and this decade's biggest problems is our lack of attention to the environment..
Save our World, Add this to your NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION list :) "