Monday, April 21, 2008

Guess what, this is what i think of....

the way you walk and talk..
there's something wrong
You do all the mock
but then again that's where you came from

I know i don't deserve to say this
but you just have to open up those eyes..
we're a family, and I'm pissed
You should re think about my advice

If one of them already say that
they were being discriminated from where they supposed to be
then us, as their family shouldn't discriminated them too
can't you see??

I actually love to have brothers and sisters
big family is better, you agree?
and a lot of people will make us stronger
you with me?

we're one big family,,
and i love to have both of those sides
124, 128, 129...
Geophysics, Meteorology, and Oceanography...


hengki said...

is it all about a big family under the same sun? which are the earth, the air and the sea??
