Sunday, July 6, 2008


 When i don't have feelings

everything will be perfect

but i have a thing for this

and this time i call it a catastrophe

You know that feeling when some words spread to everyone around you, about you dating one of your best friend, but actually you don't have any feelings that contain love or attraction in it? When you're in that situation, you will say, "Nah! We're BEST FRIEND, and that's all!"

You can say it with nothing to loose.. You and your friend both know the other's feeling for another.

But,, It Will be different when the word spread about you liking a boy you actually like! What will you do?

What I'm going to do is.. Make those feelings to go away, so i can say, "WHAT?! You're crazy.. I don't ever tried to think about liking that guy!"


hengki said...

WHAT?! You're crazy.. I don't ever tried to think about liking that guy!"

hihihi... kamu boong,, hayoooo...

tara gebleg said...

Yahahaha, kan berusaha untuk bisa berbicara kayak gitu
bagemana engkau bang bang.. hahahaha